
( This file is part of muFORTH:

  Copyright 2002-2008 David Frech. All rights reserved, and all wrongs
  reversed. (See the file COPYRIGHT for details.)

( see.mu4 - Little tools for exploring the system.)

cr " Memory inspector "  file[#


( 2002-mar-27. Converted to muforth.)

( 06-apr-1999. Changed to be smart about the addresses it prints, so that
  dumps of target-compiled data will have meaningful addresses printed.)

( Memory inspection - dump, decompile, and, later, disassemble.)

( We defer these so that, later, the target compiler can possibly read from
  the target, rather than local memory.)

( Let's make this less ARM/x86 specific.)
variable |cell
defer |c@
defer |@

( NOTE: These are `backwards' from the words defined in dforth.m4, which are
  in turn `backwards' from what the rest of the world does. I'm still not sure
  which I like better. The dforth.m4 style is another of CM's `innovations'
  in cmForth.)
: |c@+  ( |a - |a+1 ch)       dup 1+       swap |c@ ;
: |@+   ( |a - |a+|cell n)    dup |cell @ +  swap |@ ;

( Call, return.)
8 array inspect-stack
variable inspect-sp  ( stack pointer)  0 inspect-sp !

: inspect-push  ( old ea - old | ea)  swap  ( ea old)
   inspect-sp @  dup  8 u<  if
      dup 1+  inspect-sp !  inspect-stack !  ^  then
   ( ea old sp)  drop nip  ;

: inspect-pop   ( old - old | new)
   inspect-sp @  dup if
      1- dup  inspect-sp !  inspect-stack @  nip ^  then  drop  ;

: .nesting  inspect-sp @  ?for  char > emit  next  space  then  ;

( For switching inspection modes.)
defer 1inspect
variable skip  ( number of |cell's to skip)
: inspect!  ( '1inspect default-skip)  skip !  is 1inspect ;

( We're going to defer the heck out of these definitions so we can switch
  between modes, and refine behavior later.)

( Now for the cmd keys.)

-: ( a ea - a -1)  drop -1 ;  ( discard & quit)
 128 defarray seekeys

: key:  -:  \f char  seekeys ! ;

( advance rounds down to nearest `skip'.)
: advance  ( a ea skip - a')  nip + ( advance)  skip @ negate and ( round)  0 ;

-: ( skip+)  skip @         advance ;
  dup     32 seekeys !
  dup char n seekeys !
  dup    #CR seekeys !
      char j seekeys !

-: ( skip-)  skip @ negate  advance ;
  dup char p seekeys !
  dup   #DEL seekeys !
  dup char - seekeys !
  dup char b seekeys !
      char k seekeys !

( so we can skip by different amounts)
key: 1  ( a ea - a 0)  drop   4 skip !  0 ;
key: 4  ( a ea - a 0)  drop  16 skip !  0 ;

variable '1dump  ( memory dump)
variable '1see   ( decompiler)
variable '1dis   ( disassembler)   ' -1 '1dis !  ( safety)

key: d ( >dump) ( a ea - a f)  drop  '1dump @  16  inspect!  0  ;
key: i ( >dis)  ( a ea - a f)  drop  '1dis @    4  inspect!  0  ;
key: s ( >see)  ( a ea - a f)  drop  '1see @    4  inspect!  0  ;

key: r ( return)  ( new ea - new|old f)  drop  inspect-pop   0  ;
key: c ( call)    ( old ea - old|ea f)         inspect-push  0  ;
key: g ( go)      ( old ea - ea f)       nip                 0  ;

: inspect-key  ( a ea - a')
   key  dup 128 u< if  seekeys @execute ^  then  2drop  ( ea key)  -1 ;

-:  ( inspect loop)  begin  1inspect  inspect-key  until ;

: inspect   ( a '1inspect skip - a')
   inspect!  ( inspect-sp off)
   radix @ push  tty raw  [ ] catch  tty cooked  pop radix !  ( re-) throw  ;

( Byte and word conversion to ascii)
( These should right adjust to a field size.)
: .h8     hex   <#    # #  #>  type ;
: .o8    octal  <#  # # #  #>  type ;
: .hcell  hex   <#  |cell @ 2* for # next  #>  type ;

: .addr   cr  ( -16 and)  .hcell  space ;  ( round addr down 16)
: _addr   cr  |cell @ 2* 1+ spaces ;

  How much horizontal room does each four bytes take?
  First, with octal:

   A   \   3   &
  aa  bb  cc  dd
 000 000 000 000
    ffff    ffff

  group*(digits + space between)
    char: 4*(1 + 3) = 16
     hex: 4*(2 + 2) = 16
   octal: 4*(3 + 1) = 16     #field = 4
  word16: 2*(4 + 4) = 16
  word32: 1*(8 + 8) = 16

  Then, without octal:

  A  \  3  &
 aa bb cc dd
  ffff  ffff

  group*(digits + space between)
    char: 4*(1 + 2) = 12
     hex: 4*(2 + 1) = 12     #field = 3
  word16: 2*(4 + 2) = 12
  word32: 1*(8 + 4) = 12

variable #field ( width of each byte, rendered)
( XXX This doesn't work if we put spacing before chars. Need to use
field-1,and put spacing after chars, since the addr it will be 1..16 rather
than 0..15!)

: .padding   ( a - a)
   .nesting  dup  15 and  dup  #field @ *  swap 2/ 2/ +  spaces ;

: |_field|   ( width)  #field @  swap -  spaces ;

: #bytes    ( a - a #bytes)  16 over  15 and -  ;  ( 1 .. 16, end on multiple)
: .spacing  ( a - a) dup 3 and 0= if space then ;  ( every 4th add a space)

( >letter is pickier than >graphic, to make strings easier to read. This is
  America-centric and not very international, which is unfortunate.)

: >letter   ( ch - ch')  dup letter?   if ^ then  drop bl  ;
: >graphic  ( ch - ch')  dup graphic?  if ^ then  drop bl  ;

defer .byte
: .char  >graphic  1 |_field|  emit ;
: .hex-byte        2 |_field|  .h8 ;
: .oct-byte        3 |_field|  .o8 ;
: .hex-cell   #field @ 2 - |cell @ * spaces  .hcell ;

: .bytes  ( a)       .padding  #bytes for
   |c@+  .byte  .spacing  next  drop  ;

: .cells  ( a)  dup _addr
   |cell @ negate and  .padding  #bytes |cell @ / for
   |@+  .hex-cell  .spacing  next  drop  ;

( .chars is first, and prints the address)
: .chars      ( a)  dup .addr  ['] .char     is .byte  .bytes ;
: .hex-bytes  ( a)  dup _addr  ['] .hex-byte is .byte  .bytes ;
: .oct-bytes  ( a)  dup _addr  ['] .oct-byte is .byte  .bytes ;

defer .other  ( hex-bytes or octal-bytes, depending on arch)
: .other!  #field !  is .other ;
: octal-bytes  ['] .oct-bytes   4  .other!  ;
: hex-bytes    ['] .hex-bytes   3  .other!  ;

: 1dump  ( a - a ea)
   dup .chars  dup .hex-bytes  dup .oct-bytes  dup .cells
   ( a)  dup |@  ( a ea)  ;

' 1dump '1dump !
: du   ( a - a')  ['] 1dump 16 inspect  ;

( Batch mode)
: dumps   ( start limit)
   inspect-sp off
   swap  begin  1dump drop  16 +  2dup u<  until  2drop  ;

comment broken_for_native_code
( See.  a grotty little decompiler)

: >dict<   ( a - f) ( within dict)   [ ' unnest ]  here  within  ;
: -named   dup >dict< if  >name type  0 ^  then  -1  ;

( this word is UNUSED right now.)
: code?  ( code - name T | body F)
   forth  begin  @ dup  while  2dup  ( >code)  = until
   cell+ ( name) nip -1  ^  then  ( 0)  ;

: .ch   ( n - n')   dup "ff and  >letter emit  8 rshift  ;
: 1see   ( a - a ea)
   cr  dup .a16   inspect-nesting
   dup @  dup  .w16 space   dup .ch  .ch  .ch  .ch  drop  space  space
   -named if  ( 10 u.r) .w16  space  then  ( a)
   dup |@ cell- ( code)  ( a ea)  ;

' 1see '1see !

: (see)  ( a - a)  ['] 1see  4  inspect  ;
: see   '  cell-  ( code)   (see)  ;
