The returned files had data
records with interspersed header records before every thirty minutes of
data. I read this using the following Python script:
stdin = os.fdopen(0)
for line in stdin:
if line[0].isdigit():
data = line.split()
x = int(data[1])
y = int(data[2])
elif line.startswith("Start time"):
print line,
My normal mode of exploration was to "cat" together multiple days of
buoy data selected by shell wildcard expressions and "pipe" that into a
python processing program using the above reader. For large runs the
processing time can be substantial so I print selected header records
as a progress indicator.
Signal Processing
Human hearing runs from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Ocean waves run from
about 0.05 Hz to 0.25 Hz. To hear ocean waves as sound they need to be
sped up by a factor of 10,000. This turns out to be a trivial operation
with the computer for the simple reason that typical sampling rates
have already been chosen so that both frequency ranges fall well below
cut-off frequency for the signals in question. An appropriate
speedup can be achieved by equating one ocean wave sample to one
digital sound sample.
A variety of sound recording formats exist for personal computers. I
chose the widely understood "wav" format which is conveniently
supported by the standard Python wave module. I recorded at the CD
standard sampling rate of 44,100 Hz. Subjectively, half that sampling
rate would be preferable as it moves typical sounds closer to the
middle of the hearing range and makes for smaller files too. I chose to
effect the same shift by simply doubling recording samples retrieved
from the buoy data.
The water molecules, who's motion makes for ocean waves, travel in a
circular path with a maximal diameter equal to the horizontal crest to
crest dimension of the wave. This means that long period, low frequency
ocean waves move a lot more water than smaller, higher frequency waves.
For this reason I chose to emphasize lower frequencies by applying
digital filtering to the data samples as I transfered them. I used a
first-order filter,
similar to an RC filter, with a time constant substantially longer than
my lowest frequency. I applied this filter after doubling wave samples
so the doubled samples are not likely identical.
p = .99
lf = p * lf + (1 - p) * left
rf = p * rf + (1 - p) * right
Ocean waves from different sources and traveling in different
directions can pass by each other without further interaction. This
holds so long as the summing of wave heights is linear: that is, the
waves don't break or collide with submerged obstacles including the
ocean floor. It has been the possibility of perceiving the source of
waves as stereophonic sound that has motivated my curiosity over the
years. Now, the remaining element of required signal processing is to
convert x, y, z data into left and right stereo channels.
Auditory pathways in the human brain combine signals arriving at both
ears and, through comparisons of both amplitude and phase, construct a
sense of direction to the source. Stereophonic sound exploits this
processing by recording music (for example) with multiple microphones
and mixing those signals into two independent speaker channels. That
is, the signals represent the sound near the source. Alternately,
binaural sound is recorded near the listener, normally with the aid of
a dummy head, and produces two independent channels that are best
listened to with headphones.
It may be possible to construct stereophonic signals from multiple,
time synchronized buoys. However, the horizontal directionality of
single buoy recordings makes a binaural approximation the more
I neglected the z component of the x, y, z data reasoning that it was
present in the x and y components already (due to the circular motion
of water molecules) and it carried no directional information. I then
modeled the "dummy head" as a detector facing in a specific compass
direction and with ear cavities capable of detecting motion only along
a perpendicular to an "ear drum" oriented with positive or negative
displacement on the order of 30 degrees from the direction the "head"
left = leftSin * x + leftCos * y
right = rightSin * x + rightCos * y
I experimented with a variety of displacements and found 30 degrees to
produce good separation for most signal components.
Subjective Assessment of Results
I selected the month of May, 2004 for my initial tests because the
"mountain" plots for the Point Reyes Buoy (029) showed strong and
varied frequency components for this interval. Short runs which
compressed 12 hours of data into about a second of sound were
disappointing because the result was a hiss without variation. Longer
runs produced a gracefully evolving hiss but no distinctly identifiable
sources. I added sample doubling and low pass filtering with the result
that I could identify separately evolving hisses. A given hiss would
slowly drift up in frequency while another would get stronger or drift
I added the binaural modeling and found that I could get only the most
general sense of where each hiss was located. However,

I immediately recognized several shorter
lived and narrowly spread hiss components that would appear briefly to
one side or another or even dart across my aural "field of view".
I suspect that an improved dummy head model will increase the position
resolvability of the stronger components. These are often over an
octave wide which makes them percieved as general noise. Modeling
options include included simulating some ear separation so that phase
disparity of off-axis results. Finally, some spectral coloring modeling
that applied by the head and outer ear will offer the brain more
directional queues.
I found the first 19 days of May to be a conveniently sized dataset
identified by the file pattern, 200405[01]*. I make available the
uncompressed wav file and mp3 equivalent for this data. Download the file here:
In the coming months I will be auralizing more datasets from more sites
and seasons. I will explore various compression algorithms so that
these results are more easily distributed over the web. I'll be
improving my binaural model and may try to
correlate my results with
satellite weather loops.
I would first like to thank those parties mentioned in the Data
Collection section of this paper. This work by a curious amateur would
not be possible without their willingness and energy making scientific
resources available online. Reinhard Flick was an important conduit
while I made the connection with CPID and offered back of the envelope
calculations and other encouragement along the way. Bill O'Reilly
accepted our cc's without complaint. Both figures in this report are
due to CPID.
Jim Besemer and Kevin Altis helped me many times with Python
programming. Jim sent me a program that generated a quarter-second
beep. This grew into the auralizer. Kevin introduced me to Python and
stood by online as I struggled to get beyond my first half-second of
My colleagues, David Trowbridge and Larry Brader feined interest as I
worked on the program during free moments on a conference trip. Thanks
guys. And thank you to my wife Karen who put up with me playing wav
loops through the family stereo for hours to see what else I could hear.
San Francisco's Exploratorium offers this
online exhibit that will demonstrate, with headphones, spatial separation of multiple complex sounds.
While he was working
for CDIP Bob Sturm did a similar study, but with quite different results. Here is a
page with
some of his links and sound examples. See also
an online
publication or this paper:
Sturm, Bob L. "Pulse of an Ocean: Sonification of Ocean Buoy Data."
Leonardo Journal of Arts and Sciences, 38(2), 2005.
The STEREO/IMPACT project distributes
application programs that they use for sonification of space "weather" and similar applications within the "Sounds of Space" program.
© 2004