Submission Guidelines

We welcome new or previously published pattern languages as candidates for inclusion in this repository. We are particularly interested in works that exploit the hypertext nature of the web. We provide assistance to authors formatting and linking html pages. For evolving manuscripts, we prefer mechanical translation into html and have some experience developing translators.

Submissions by email ( are acceptable. Please state what rights you have to the material, what permissions have been obtained for submission, and that you give us the right to serve it to the web in original or modified form. We are also happy to publish bios and contact information for our authors.

The following are guidelines for formatting text documents for automatic translation to html. These conventions are tailored to authors writing in the Portland Form. The source material is intentionally quite readable given that many authors will also be submitting material for review on the patterns mailing list. Compare this sample document with the text file it came from.

Paragraphs. Separate paragraphs with blank lines. The first paragraph is the title of the document. Next come paragraphs containing the keywords Author or Copyright. Type the remaining paragraphs of your document without indentation unless called for by a special form.

Special Forms. Begin section headings with a number and decimal point. Indent code or other examples to be formatted as-is with spaces or tabs. Use a string of minus signs (------) to indicate a horizontal rule. Separate all of these forms from other text with blank lines.

Pattern References. Begin pattern headings with a number and no decimal point. Title patterns with capitalized words (except connectives). Follow titles with a blank line. Cite patterns as a string of capitalized words followed by the pattern number in parenthesis. Cites can also be formatted as indented lines beginning with numbers as is common in section summaries.

Bibliographic References. Begin bibliographic entries with square-bracketed numbers. Use square-bracketed numbers to cite these references from the text.