23 years ago 20021107

Plan on explaining what you do. Before you start, come here to get some numbers that you can use while you do.

  [x] give me a password that will let me save my answers
  [x] give my browser a cookie that will let save my answers
  [Allocate Numbers]

32 hours later 20021108

  [x] give me a password that will let me save my answers
  [x] give my browser a cookie that will let save my answers
  [Allocate Numbers]
Choose either or both of these options then press Allocate.
<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor=ffff7f>
<form action=alocate10.cgi>
<input type=checkbox name=password> Give me a password that will let me save my answers.<br>
<input type=checkbox name=password> Remember this allocation as a cookie in this browser.<br>
<input type=submit value=Allocate>

You can automate the allocation of numbers. Here is a perl script that invokes the above form handler and writes the allocated numbers to standard output.

        * http:files/alocate10.pl

68 minutes later AllocateTenNumbers

<input type=submit value=Allocate>
<input type=submit value=Allocate> ten numbers.