23 years ago 20021107

Your programming partner asks you "Why did you do that there?" You answer. He's satisfied. But what about future readers?

Type your answer here and we will keep it. We'll assign a number that you can use to refer to this answer anywhere you'd like.

<form method=post action="record.cgi?RecordAnAnswer">
<textarea name=Text rows=16 cols=60 wrap=virtual>
<p><input type="submit" value=" Save ">

Pressing Save places your answer in the PublicDomain and allocates one permenant BuiltForLifeNumber. See LegalDetails.

31 hours later 20021108

<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor=ffff7f>
<p><input type="submit" value=" Save ">
<input type="submit" value=" Save ">

65 minutes later RecordAnAnswer

<input type="submit" value=" Save ">
<input type="submit" value=" Save "> this answer under a new number.