Pan Sculpture

Allerton Park has quite a bit of sculpture on the grounds including one garden with a series of eight or ten impish guys playing musical instruments.

DonRoberts at Illinois got an image of one from the staff at Allerton and scanned it for the cover of the draft proceedings. It has been suggested that we use a different guy for each PLoP. Are we?

JimCoplien sent me a tiff file [1] of the image scanned from one of the park brochures. If you've got a good monitor, you may notice that the background isn't exactly white and shows some evidence of electronic tampering.

I've tampered too. For use on the web I've ...

  • cropped it
  • adjusted its gamma
  • dithered it
  • made it transparent
  • reversed it

to make this picture ...
which is . I added it to the web version of the '95 CallForPapers. BrianFoote used it on his ?RegistrationPage.

I shrunk the image by a factor of four (and skipped dithering and transparentizing) to make the ploptory icon ...

which is . Both images are small enough to move quickly over slow web connections.

I reversed the image so that the guy would be looking toward the center of the page. This must drive musicians nuts since the right hand is always above the left on any fingered instrument.

-- WardCunningham

AddisonWesley used a different, straight-on image for the cover of the published proceedings.


Last edited April 24, 1996
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