I (BobRacko) have done a number of things to
build on the foundations of wiki.
I call this variation KeheiWiki .
It targets private and commercial audiences (yet is still open-source).
- All references to pages now support topicname.html and ?topic=topicname in url syntax. Now the topic is a part of the URL instead of the query string to make saved links look more natural. This encourages search engines like Altavista to index wiki sites.
- A page can list who may edit it.
- Authors and editors are supported and differentiated. Intellectual property issues are addressed by allowing multiple authors of a page. (only the author may add or remove themselves). Those who may edit is a superset of authors so tweaker can fly in and fixup grammar/spelling if they have permission delegated to them by an author.
- Multiple styles of security are supported to protect the community.
- the first style only permits registered users to edit (though anyone may register)
- the second style uses Basic authentication in the server to identify editors (though anyone may browse)
- the third style uses Basic authentication for both browsing and editing to cater to private clubs and groups not yet ready for public inspection
- KeheiWiki extends the %notation% of JosWiki so that topics with spaces or without capitalization can also be links. Numbers and dates are allowed.
- /cgi[-bin]/ is not needed if you have permission to define your own script-aliased directories in the Apache config file.
- Advisory edit-locks are in place so multiple editing sessions on the same topic can be resolved peacefully (warnings go out and attempts to save without re-editing are ignored).
- The "nothing written yet" (no text yet) backstop is a series of layers. KeheiWiki checks for the real topic, then in the template area (for notxt.html) for locked backstop, then in data area for notxt.txt for a user-changeable backstop or default text.
- The templates idea in hypertext.pl is extended to include inheritance so that fresh templates do not have to be done all over for a new area.
- "Views" on the same wiki data (softlinks) that restrict access so companies can house internal and external data in the same server and wiki database. (server already prompts for different password if upper part of URL is different)
- Backups are kept and associated with who made the changes. You can undo changes made by a specific someone.
- The page layout and even wiki.pl itself is editable online. Wiki can be used to edit itself!
- Subdirectory support, i. e. '/', is available in the url syntax. This is implemented virtually without making extra dirs so site admin doesn't have to worry :)
- Regular expressions are allowed in the 'changes' list to show revision history for a selected page.
- Pages are deletable and renameable. Signed pages may only be deleted if the signor removes their signature first.
- A content page can pick what it wants for a template.
- Editors may leave messages for one another which are picked up during login
- Extensible architecture for built-in commands
- Has a 'Glossary' default for unresolved links and configurable link resolution paths
- Has support for navigation 'breadcrumbs' to help user find the way around a complex site
mailto:bobr.wiki@dprc.net?subj=WikiWikiWeb if you want to know more.