Long List Of Wiki Clones |
This list is mostly simply a consolidation of data spread all over.
I took OscarNierstrasz's ListOfWikiClones as point of departure.
I've tried to restrict it to WikiClone implementations. -- JeanJordaan
If the names of WikiClones aren't linked, details are on wiki instead of wikibase :(
URL: http://www.ira.uka.de/~m ... /AtisWiki.tar.gz Author: MarcusDenker Current Version: 0.0alphaX Based on: CvWiki Backends available: -> normal Files, no Backup -> like PageArchive, but does keep Backup-copies via CVS -> like CVS, but uses RCS. Features: like CvWiki (?).
URL: http://home.connectnet.com/peter/CVWiki DEFUNCT on 990822 Author: PeterMerel Current Version: ??? Based on: WardCunningham's wiki. Backends available: -> uses flat files for text, -> fully integrated with CVS Features: - supports direct transclusion of external web pages - stores backlinks with their pages rather than searching for them (so backlinks pop up immediately)
Author: ClarkEvans? ?MarkusPeter? Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: RCS Docs: look for HowToInstallJosWiki on JOS.
URL: http://voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki-demo ftp://voght.com/pub/voght Author: TimVoght Current Version: 0.3.1 Based on: WardCunningham's wiki. Backends available: RCS (contention unsolved).
URL: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/ ... wiki.cgi?RcsWiki http://www.iam.unibe.ch/ ... .cgi?rcswiki.cgi Author: OscarNierstrasz Current Version: 1.3 1999/03/30 Based on: RcsWiki is a WikiClone of WikiInStraightPerl Backends available: uses plain text files and RCS for version management. Caveat: RcsWiki was conceived as the shortest path to a working wiki not based on dbm. You may be able to further hack it to add new functionality, but it has not been designed with this in mind. If you have big plans for new features, you might be better off looking for another WikiClone that is more modular in design. PyWiki might be a good starting point.
URL: ??? Author: DaveHarris and RalphMellor Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: Pages are currently stored in flat files rather than a database. They are also stored in a parsed, binary form rather than as ascii. Features: The general approach is to treat pages as Java objects, with different kinds of pages belonging to different classes. Thus a UserName? page would have different features and commands to a normal page, so that it can store user-specific configuration options. Pages are organised in groups, with each group having an administration page that controls policy for all the pages in it. Eventually users should be able to develop new policies by adding .class files to the system on the fly, through the page UI, within a Java sandbox for security.
URL: http://www.cc.gatech.edu ... ws/examples.html http://guzdial.cc.gatech.edu:8080/myswiki "unreliable" http://pbl.cc.gatech.edu:8080/myswiki Author: MarkGuzdial Current Version: in 1.0b3 release of PluggableWebServer Backends available: Runs on the Pluggable WebServer.
URL: ??? Author: JimCoplien Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: - Line Escape - HTML Escape - Read-Only Flag - Read-Only Info Link - Cross-Instances References - PageChangeNotification
URL: http://twiki.org/ http://TWiki.SourceForge ... iew/Main/WebHome Author: PeterThoeny Current Version: 01 Jul 1999 Based on: JosWiki Features: - full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions. - Topic index. - Server side include of files - Automatic email notification - Added support for quoted text - Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. - Revision control of topics - Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. - File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. - Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour.
URL: http://havoc.gtf.org/cgi-bin/austin/kwiki (source?) Author: AustinDavid Current Version: "K2 is coming!" Based on: Wiki [1], hacked to oblivion Backends available: ??? Features: - ?ListServCapability (for archiving email) - ?LdapSupport (for letting kwikis associate freely) - Wiki:?WikiWikiClones (to "borrow" ideas) - an ?HtmlManagementSystem
URL: www.linuxppc.org/faq/index.html ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/jonh Author: ?JonHowell Current Version: 2.709 Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features:
URL: http://www.fox.wikis.com/ (source?) Author: StevenBlack steveb@stevenblack.com Current Version: 1.0 Based on: Backends available: NT Server and IIS Features: - Tons. No markup or scripting restrictions - Keyboard macros - MS Knowledge base links - Federated and transcluded wikis - Hosting, with password login as required
URL: http://www.msl-fn.com/wiki/ (404 Error) Author: Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features:
URL: Author: Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features:
URL: http://www.leuf.net/wiki/ Author: BoLeuf Current Versions: wiki-lib, Swedish, Based on: Ward's wiki sources and author's extensions, extensively rewritten during work on book TheWikiWay. Backends available: RCS Features: - scripts can run unchanged on Windows and Linux boxes - stubs plus common library, repointing, automatic defaults - CSS styling with template
URL: http://demo.niki.co.uk:9001/servlets/niki (source?) Author: http://www.objective.co.uk/
URL: http://www.object-arts.c ... n/DolphinWikiWeb Author: ObjectArts, AndyBower Current Version: ??? Based on: based originally on JosWiki Backends available: ??? Features: supports templates
URL: http://www.jiki.org/ Author: JosephKiniry Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: CVS Features: an OpenSource distributed components-based Wiki "a full-blown distributed component-based server"
URL: "If you are interested in the source, just let me know" Author: RicardoClements Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: URL: http://jywiki.sourceforg ... index.php?JyWiki Author: ?BrianZhou Current Version: pre-Alpha Based on: PikiPiki Backends available: text file Features: ??
URL: http://kehei.com Author: BobRacko Current Version: ??? Based on: derived from JosWiki Backends available: ??? Features: - Topic names with spaces or without capitalization can also be links. - Guests (non editing) as well as registered editors. - Using Apache: eliminated /cgi[-bin]/ ; multiple webdatabases possible - Simultaneous edits to same topic can be resolved peacefully ('save' conflict resolution) - Support topicname.html as well as ?topic=topicname in url syntax. - "Views" on the same wiki data (softlinks) can restrict access. - Author sets and editor sets are supported. - Backups are kept and associated with viewable changelogs which list author. - The page layout templates and even wiki.pl itself are editable online - Multiple subdirectory support, i.e. '/' in url syntax. - Pages are deletable and renameable. - Supports direct inclusion of external web pages - Has a 'Glossary' default for unresolved links and configurable link resolution paths - Has support for navigational 'breadcrumbs' to enable viewer to navigate through a complex site - HTML Escape - Page Change Notification add on - Text search with/without regular expressions. - Topic locking by author or author group - Leave messages for individual authors - Command extension stubs plus common library, automatic defaults - Special formatting for C, C++ code presentation - Multiple templates sets associate same content with different site looks and feels
- Author: Jürgen Hermann - Based on: PikiPiki - URL: http://moin.sourceforge.net/ (was: http://www.encrypted.net ... in.cgi/FrontPage) - Backend: Text file Features: - Versioning (with diff display) - Tables, Macros, Smileys, User preferences, Sections, TOC's - Searching: Title, Full text, Regex, Jump - Save conflict notification (nice!) Interesting Macros: - Include contents of another page - Subscribe (receive email when page changes) Used by: - www.python.org http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin
- http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?PhpWiki - http://wcsb.org/~swain/php/wiki/ - Works right out of the tarball, no configuration needed - Most features of Classic Wiki - Comes with a set of default pages loaded automatically - PHP 3.0.12 or higher - very WabiSabi
URL: http://fox.uq.net.au/~zzmpool/piki-1.57.zip Author: MartinPool Current Version: 1.57 Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: "will run completely standalone" - Tab is never required as a formatting character, because it's hard to type into many browsers. The markup codes are pretty similar. - Data is stored in plain text files, not in a database. This reduces contention between concurrent users and is more in the spirit of a quick solution. - Full-text search is quite fast, and doesn't lock out updates. - I don't do versioning -- I think Wiki is not meant to be a document-management system. - PikiPiki offers an index of all titles, and an index of all words occuring in titles.
URL: http://pikie.darktech.org/cgi/pikie Author: StevePike Current Version: 0.4 Based on: PikiPiki Features: - extensible with plug-ins - weblog on any page - RSS feeds - tables - lots of templates and macros
URL: http://homepages.kcbbs.g ... ~tonyg/pyle.html Author: Tony Garnock-Jones (mailto:tonyg@kcbbs.gen.nz) Current Version: 0.2.0 now with CVS support Based on: Ward's original (loosely) Backends available: DBM/GDBM, CVS Features: - Choice of CVS or GDBM - Versioning incl. history browsing (with CVS) and diff markup (with CVSWEB) - Cookie for username, or use htpasswd - Attachments with MIME types; inlined images - Embed HTML if you like - Unix-like rwxrwxrwx permissions on pages - Can generate 'offline' HTML - Email notification of changed pages
URL: ??? Author: Intergraph, PratapLakshman (?) Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features:
URL: http://tcbworks.cba.uga.edu/ Author: ?AlanDennis, ?SridarPootheri, and ?VijayaNatarajan. Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: - All of the information in TCBWorks is located in (hierarchical) Projects. - Many Topics are present in a single Project. - Comments are paragraphs of user entered remarks. - TCBWorks also allows voting on Topics. - Projects, topics, comments, and voting all have a variety of options. - There are three types of users in TCBWorks
URL: (redirects to http://purl.org/thecliff/python/url.html ) Author: ?CameronLaird <claird@starbase.neosoft.com> and Jean-?ClaudeWippler <jcw@equi4.com> Features: - Traces Python and TCL news; gated to usenet news and mailinglists.
URL: http://wiki.webmacro.org/ Author: EricRidge, JustinWells, LaneSharman Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: VeryLargeHashtable Features:
URL: Author: KeithDerrick Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features:
URL: http://cvu.strath.ac.uk/download/webweb/ Author: DavidMcNicol Current Version: ??? Based on: wikibase Backends available: ??? Caveat: WebWeb uses DBM files to store all of the information for each web. Features: "Might be a victim of leaping featureitis" - Fully accessible edit history. - Access control (read/edit/modify). - Email notification. - Extended functionality for external links. - Improved recent changes.
URL: http://prtims.stx.com/webwebx/ 404 Not Found on 990822 Author: JoeMcMahon Current Version: ??? Based on: derivative of WebWeb Backends available: PageArchive Features: - Toolbar switchable between icons and text - Support for limited access by 'anonymous' users - A range of security possibilities - Append-only mode - "Sign-in" option to enable 'anonymous' users to log in - New page archive management scheme which does not depend on DBM files - "Back to previous page" support - Extended page locking - Inside-the-system account management
URL: http://st-www.cs.uiuc.ed ... -bin/wikic/wikic (source?) Author: ?EricHuss Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: - HTML tags may appear anywhere ;) - Line wrapping never hurts, such as in lists and tags - New link tag so you can have complete freedom in the name of the page. - Lists are intelligent... - External links are encapsulated around a name - Tabs are automatically converted to 5 spaces. - The backup file will contain an infinite number of backups.
URL: http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/ ... lWorks/WikiWorks Author: Travis Griggs started it, but Ralph Johnson and John Han have been working on it lately. In fact, lots of people are working on it. It is open source! Current Version: 0.5 Based on: ??? Backends available: Gemstone, file system Features: - versioning - renaming pages - easy to have multiple wikis at a site
URL: http://www.equi4.com/tclkit/wikit.html Author: ?JeanClaudeWippler Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends available: ??? Features: a local version ..
URL: http://macos.tuwien.ac.at/Squeak/YAW.html Author: GeorgGollmann Current Version: ??? Based on: ??? Backends availab Features: - All data is kept in a single archive file. - A warm start only loads subsequent additions. - Versions of pages are kept. - Pages are attributed to their authors (hostname). - Pages are checked out and in for editing to avoid concurrent edits. - Page texts are loaded on demand and are purged by a special lowspace watcher. - Searches are performed as background processes.
URL: http://zwiki.org/ Author: Simon Michael URL: http://tavi.sourceforge.net/ Author: Scott Moonen Features: http://tavi.sourceforge.net/TaviFeatures
URL:http://www.seedwiki.com Author:Kenneth Tyler Current Version: 4.00 Based on: CFWiki Backends available: IIS SQL Server 2000 Features: - Supports multiple Wikis - Pluggable components - User configuration of individual Wikis
URL:http://www.tomforsyth.pw ... .co.uk/Wiki.html Authors:Tom Forsyth & Matthew Rosenfeld, but mainly the authors of Wiki++ Current Version: 1.00 Based on: Wiki++ Features: - Has some nice formatting rules to handle cut'n'pasting C++ code into the Wiki - Is written in C++ itself (handly for people who don't know Perl, etc) - Very simple primitive Wiki - very simple to modify like mad - Very simple security
Last edited September 2, 2003 Return to WelcomeVisitors |