Restore Registers

The RESREG routine restores assigned registers that have been saved between executions of the assembly language portions of the simulator. (See also SAVREG, FETCH and STORE.)  The register save area is available to the FORTRAN code which freely reads and modifies it.
          SA1    MA  
          SB1    1 
          BX3    X1  
          SA1    A1+B1 
          BX4    X1  
          SA1    A1+B1 
          BX5    X1  
          SA1    A1+B1 
          SA2    A1+B1 
          LX2    12  
          BX2    X2+X1 
          SA1    STEP  
          SB2    X1  
          SX0    7777B 
          EQ     RESREG 
The registers are stored into sequential locations within a common block of memory.
          USE    /REGS/  
 SR       BSS    1 
 MA       BSS    1 
 MD       BSS    1 
 PC       BSS    1 
 AC       BSS    1 
 LK       BSS    1 
 MQ       BSS    1 
 STEP     BSS    1 
          USE    *

PDP-8 Simulator
© 1975, 1998, Ward Cunningham
all rights reserved