Java Wiki

I'd like to see a servelet implementation of wiki. To that end I'm developing a JavaCC based version of the translation rules. You can have a look at my current test file before and after translation. The translator is intended to be used as a part of a servelet implementation of wiki but you can try it out with this previewer that calls the translator from javascript. (You'll need a version 4 browser).

I have a few things left to do before I distribute the source:

You can experiment with the unmodular translator. The javascript mentioned above uses which would be a good place to look for sample code. Be warned that JavaCC has some screwy initialization rules and that my grammar consults a few translator statics while it runs:

	public static PrintStream out = System.out;
	public static String script = "wiki";
	public static Hashtable pages = new Hashtable();

©1998 Ward Cunningham