Justin Burket

Justin reports what he did to build the Download For Macintosh ...

I had to hack around with the makefile a bit but I got her to fire up. Notes and compile requirements are in the makefile patch at the bottom of this e-mail. I'll also attach a copy of a disk image with the binary for systems 10.3 and up. The binary should be able to run out of the box with a simple drag and drop or will also run inside the mounted disk image. I don't know about 10.2 systems but I suspect all one would have to do is recompile from sources once you have the supporting libraries installed.

The binary is linked dynamically but checking what it's linked too I don't see anything that wouldn't be in a standard OSX system. This is my first round with compiling a mac osx specific program though so who knows :)

Patch is as follows

 --- Makefile    Thu Dec  9 17:43:50 2004
 +++ Makefile.orig       Wed Sep 29 14:12:16 2004
 @@ -30,40 +30,10 @@
	g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` Codebox.cxx
	g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` Knob.cxx
	g++ -c -Os `sdl-config    --cflags` Cw.cxx
 -       g++ -static -o m m.o Bargraph.o Codebox.o Cw.o Knob.o \
 +       g++ -static -om m.o Bargraph.o Codebox.o Cw.o Knob.o \
	   `sdl-config --static-libs` \
	   `fltk-config --ldstaticflags` -ldl
	 strip m
 -       rm *.o m.cxx m.h
 -# "make" for MacOSX
 -# To compile on MacOSX I used the following:
 -# System 10.3.6 with Dev tools installed
 -# fltk-1.1.6
 -# sdl-shlibs 1.2.7-1 (from fink.sf.net)
 -# sdl 1.2.7-1 (again from fink)
 -# Note: there is an macosx SDL package out there but I have no idea how to  get
 -# the framework to work.  I conceded defeat and used the fink libraries instead.
 -# "g++ -static" will not work on MacOSX unless all the supporting
 -#  libraries are compiled with -static as well.  I'm too lazy
 -#  to even attempt anything like that.
 -# 73 de KL1RL
 -mac: m.fl Bargraph.cxx Bargraph.h Codebox.cxx Codebox.h Cw.cxx Cw.h \
 -    Knob.cxx Knob.h Help.h m.fl
 -       fluid -c m.fl
 -       g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` m.cxx
 -       g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` Bargraph.cxx
 -       g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` Codebox.cxx
 -       g++ -c -Os `fltk-config --cxxflags` Knob.cxx
 -       g++ -c -Os `sdl-config    --cflags` Cw.cxx
 -       g++ -o m m.o Bargraph.o Codebox.o Cw.o Knob.o \
 -	 `sdl-config --static-libs`  \
 -	 `fltk-config --ldstaticflags` -ldl
 -       strip m
 -       fltk-config --post m
	 rm *.o m.cxx m.h


Last edited December 11, 2004
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