What's a "what"? How do you define "how"?
A "what" is a delegation to another method with a MeaningfulName. A "how" is a method that does one thing.
Example - before
moveRoom: aRectangle couch x: (aRectangle origin x + couch offset x) y: (aRectangle origin y + couch offset y). chair x: (aRectangle origin x + chair offset x) y: (aRectangle origin y + chair offset y). bookshelf x: (aRectangle origin x + bookshelf offset x) y: (aRectangle origin y + bookshelf offset y).after
moveRoom: aRectangle | origin | origin := aRectangle origin. self moveCouch: origin. self moveChair: origin. self moveBookshelf: origin.SeparateTheWhatFromTheHow is an approximation. If a method doesn't read "what-what-what..." or "how", but there is no obvious fix, leave it alone.
I am having trouble following this pseudocode. What is Origin? Why is everything a rectangle? What is moveX (where X = Chair, etc.) Is it a method or attribute?
This isn't pseudocode, it's code, smalltalk code. I'm no smalltalker, but as best I know, "| origin |" declares a variable local to the method, and the "moveX" things are selectors (like keyword arguments) for methods. The example isn't complete because it doesn't show how the "couch x: (aRectangle blah blah blah" stuff has been moved into other methods of whatever class moveRoom: belongs to.
HaveThisPattern: Alternate approach to the "what vs how" question is an old ModularProgramming maxim:
Isn't this similar to the old separation of mechanism and policy?
SeparateTheWhatFromTheHow is the same as ComposedMethod. It is just worded differently. See also ShortMethods and IntentionNotAlgorithm. And WhatNotHow is also a synonym.
I was responsible for putting in the WhatNotHow page. I did not see this page before I did that.
The easy thing right now would be to change the pages I know of to point to this page, but unfortunately I prefer WhatNotHow because it is more concise. What, if anything, should be done? This is a OnceAndOnlyOnce issue!
If we were all perfect authors, maybe one page would do. But we are not, so maybe we need to keep all related pages: this page, ComposedMethod, WhatNotHow, IntentionNotAlgorithm, and the maxim about manager functions and worker functions, as we grope toward ever better written descriptions of what works for us programmers.
moveRoom: aRectangle | origin | origin := aRectangle origin. self couch move: origin. self chair move: origin. self bookshelf move: originThis leads me to:
furniture | answer | (answer = OrderedCollection new) add: self couch; add: self chair; add: self bookshelf; yourself. ^answermoveRoom: aRectangle | origin | origin := aRectangle origin. self furniture do: [:each | each move: origin]
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