27 years ago 19990430

Explain the purpose of this site here. Include a bullet list of starting pages apropos this purpose.

Start here:
        * OnePlaceToStart
        * AnotherPlaceToStart

Search this site:

About this site:
        * WhosWho
        * GoodStyle
        * http:changes.cgi

Legal notice: This may be a protected site. Unauthorized use may be prohibited. The contents of this site is the property of someone.

23 years ago 20021128

        * http:changes.cgi
        * http:changes.cgi -- Recent changes

2 weeks later 20021217

Explain the purpose of this site here. Include a bullet list of starting pages apropos this purpose.
A Pattern Language for Textual Electronic Communications

Email is often described as the killer app for the Internet. People spend more time writing and reading email than any other Internet activity. When one adds in instant messaging, online chats, and other forms of textual electronic communications, the people affected by the design of these systems is enormous. The purpose of this pattern language is to help people design appropriate and humane textual electronic communications into systems they are building.

Using this pattern language we hope will allow system designers to create applications that make use of a range of ways for people to communicate, including traditional email, bulletin boards, chat rooms, instant messaging, web communities, and other ways of textual electronic communications. Each application would use the appropriate methods to meet the human needs of its users. These human needs must address that people are differentially abled/disabled: some have limited or no vision, others have trouble typing or using a mouse, and most are not computer professionals.
        * OnePlaceToStart
        * AnotherPlaceToStart
        * PatternLanguageForTextualElectronicCommunications --- our patterns so far
        * HowThesePatternsWereWritten --- or why are there multiple versions of some patterns and none of others
        * SequencesOfPatterns --- to be a real pattern language we need sequences too
        * LevelsOfScale --- different levels we feel the pattern language needs to address
        * JoinUs --- we need your help
Legal notice: This may be a protected site. Unauthorized use may be prohibited. The contents of this site is the property of someone.

16 hours later 20021218

A work in progress



        * ExemplaryPatterns --- pointers to some of our better efforts





41 hours later 20021220

        * JoinUs --- we need your help
        * JoinUs --- we need your help. NextSteps includes ideas for making progress.

4 days later 20021225

        * http:changes.cgi?max=100 -- More changes

21 years ago WelcomeVisitors
