Sample Script For Hypermart To Debug

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 # --------------------------------------------------------  PerlInterpreter
 # PerlInterpreter must be the first line of the file.
 # Copyright (c) 1995, Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.
 # This program has been generated by the HyperPerl
 # generator.  The source hypertext can be found
 # at  This program belongs
 # to Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc., is to be used
 # only by agreement with the owner, and then only
 # with the understanding that the owner cannot be
 # responsible for any behaviour of the program or
 # any damages that it may cause.
 # (This is a little test of modifying the source.)
 # --------------------------------------------------------  InitialComments
 #### Added two modules for the ?TieReplacement For dbmopen
 use DB_File;
 use Fcntl;
 #### At least 4 hexsigns are patchmarkers                -- FridemarPache
 @path = split('/', "$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}");
 $ScriptName = pop(@path);
 # --------------------------------------------------------  ScriptName
 $DataBase = "/wikibase/pages/$ScriptName";                   # didn't work on hypermart
 chop($DataBase);                                             # got rid of 'pl'
 $DataBase = ".".$DataBase."db";                              # so it works
 # --------------------------------------------------------  DataBase
 sub AbortScript {
 local ($msg) = @_;
 print <<EOF ;
 <h3>The Wiki Wiki Server Can't Process Your Request</h3>
 This information has been logged.<br>
 We are sorry for any inconvenience.                          # corrected typo
 die $msg;
 # --------------------------------------------------------  AbortScript
 $DefaultTitle = Front . Page;
 # --------------------------------------------------------  DefaultTitle
 #$linkWord = "[A-Z][a-z]+";
 $linkWord = "[A-Z][a-z0-9]*[\_\.\-]?";
 $LinkPattern = "($linkWord){2,}";
 # --------------------------------------------------------  LinkPattern
 # $DefaultRequest = browse;
 $DefaultRequest = "browse";
 # --------------------------------------------------------  DefaultRequest
 $RawInput = $ENV{QUERY_STRING} || $DefaultTitle;
 $RawInput =~ s/^($LinkPattern)/$DefaultRequest=$1/;
 read(STDIN, $RawInput, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH});
 # --------------------------------------------------------  RawInput
 $FieldSeparator = "\263";
 # --------------------------------------------------------  FieldSeparator
 $RawInput =~ s/\+/ /g;
 foreach $_ (split(/&/, $RawInput)) {
 s/\%(..)/pack(C, hex($1))/ge;
 ($_, $CookedInput) = split (/=/, $_, 2);
 $CookedInput{$_} = $CookedInput;
 # --------------------------------------------------------  CookedInput
 # $LogoUrl ='';
 $LogoUrl =$?FridemarUrl.'sig/datamlogo1.jpg';
 # --------------------------------------------------------  LogoUrl
 $LogoImage = "<img src=\"$LogoUrl\" align=middle alt=\"What's that\?\nIt's data-music. \nMusic inspired by stock data.\">";

#<img src=""> # -------------------------------------------------------- LogoImage #$ScriptUrl = "http://fridemar.hypermar ... -bin/$ScriptName"; $ScriptUrl = $?FridemarUrl."/cgi-bin/$ScriptName";

# -------------------------------------------------------- ScriptUrl sub RetrievePage { local($title) = pop(@_); split($FieldSeparator, $db{$title} || "text${FieldSeparator}Describe $title here."); } # -------------------------------------------------------- RetrievePage sub EscapeMetaCharacters { s/&/&amp;/g; s/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g; } # -------------------------------------------------------- EscapeMetaCharacters sub InPlaceUrl { local($num) = (@_); local($ref) = $InPlaceUrl[$num]; "<a href=\"$ref\">$ref</a>"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- InPlaceUrl $TranslationToken = $FieldSeparator; # -------------------------------------------------------- TranslationToken sub EmitCode { ($code, $depth) = @_; while (@code > $depth) {local($_) = pop @code; print "</$_>\n"} while (@code < $depth) {push (@code, ($code)); print "<$code>\n"} if ($code[$#code] ne $code) #uninitialized value !!? {print "</$code[$#code]><$code>\n"; $code[$#code] = $code;} } # -------------------------------------------------------- EmitCode sub AsAnchor { local($title) = pop(@_); defined $db{$title} ? "<a href=\"$ScriptUrl\?$title\">$title<\/a>" : "$title<a href=\"$ScriptUrl\?edit=$title\">?<\/a>"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- AsAnchor sub AsLink { local($num) = (@_); local($ref) = $old{"r$num"}; defined $ref ? ($ref =~ /\.gif$/ ? "<img src=\"$ref\">" : "<a href=\"$ref\">[$num]<\/a>") : "[$num]"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- AsLink $SearchForm = <<EOF ; # uninitialized value !!? <form action="$ScriptName"> <input type="text" size="40" name="search" value="$CookedInput{value}"> <\/form> EOF # -------------------------------------------------------- SearchForm sub PrintBodyText { s/\\\n/ /g; foreach (split(/\n/, $_)){ $InPlaceUrl=0; while (s/\b((http)|(ftp)|(mailto)|(news)|(file)|(gopher)):[^\s\<\>\[\]"'\(\)]*[^\s\<\>\[\]"'\(\)\,\.\?]/$TranslationToken$InPlaceUrl$TranslationToken/) { $InPlaceUrl[$InPlaceUrl++] = $& } $code = ""; s/^\s*$/<p>/ && ($code = '...'); s/^(\t+)(.+):\t/<dt>$2<dd>/ && &EmitCode(DL, length $1); s/^(\t+)\*/<li>/ && &EmitCode(UL, length $1); s/^(\t+)\d+\.?/<li>/ && &EmitCode(OL, length $1); /^\s/ && &EmitCode(PRE, 1); $code || &EmitCode("", 0); s/'{3}(.*)'{3}/<strong>$1<\/strong>/g; s/'{2}(.*)'{2}/<em>$1<\/em>/g; s/^-----*/<hr>/; s/\b$LinkPattern\b/&AsAnchor($&)/geo; s/\[(\d+)\]/&AsLink($1)/geo; s/$TranslationToken(\d+)$TranslationToken/&InPlaceUrl($1)/geo; s/\[Search\]/$SearchForm/; print "$_\n"; } &EmitCode("", 0); } # -------------------------------------------------------- PrintBodyText sub HandleBrowse { $title = $CookedInput{browse}; print <<EOF ; <head> <title>$title</title> </head> <body background="Rosa_und_WeissA1B1.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FF0000" alink="#808080"> <h1><a href="">$LogoImage </a> <a href="$ScriptUrl\?search=$title">$title<\/a> <\/h1> EOF %old = &RetrievePage($title); $_ = $old{text}; &EscapeMetaCharacters; &PrintBodyText; print <<EOF ; # uninitialized value !!? <hr> <a href="$ScriptUrl\?edit=$title">Edit Text<\/a> of this page (last edited $old{date})<br> <a href="$ScriptUrl\?FindPage&value=$title">Find Page<\/a> by browsing or searching<br> <p> <p> EOF # <li> <a href="$ScriptUrl"\?RecentChanges">RecentChanges<\/a> in our forum

print "</body>"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- HandleBrowse sub HandleEdit { $title = $CookedInput{edit} || $CookedInput{copy}; $title =~ /^$LinkPattern$/ || &AbortScript("edit: improper name: $title"); %old = &RetrievePage($title); $_ = $CookedInput{copy} ? $old{copy} : $old{text}; $note = 'Copy of ' if $CookedInput{copy}; s/\r\n/\n/g; &EscapeMetaCharacters; #####$convert = "checked" if $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /WebExplorer/; $convert = "checked"; # if $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /WebExplorer/; print <<EOF ; <head> <title>Edit $note$title</title> </head> <body background="Rosa_und_WeissA1B1.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FF0000" alink="#808080" > <form method="POST" action="$ScriptUrl"> <h1>$note$title <input type="submit" value=" Save "> <input type="reset" value=" Reset "> </h1> <TEXTAREA NAME="text" ROWS=16 COLS=80 wrap=virtual>$_</TEXTAREA><br> <input type="checkbox" name="convert" value="tabs" $convert> I can't type tabs. Please <a href="$ScriptUrl?ConvertSpacesToTabs">ConvertSpacesToTabs</a> for me when I save.<p> <a href="$ScriptUrl?GoodStyle">GoodStyle</a> tips for editing.<br> <a href="$ScriptUrl?links=$title">EditLinks</a> to other web servers.<br> EOF print <<EOF if $old{copy} && !$CookedInput{copy}; <a href="$ScriptUrl?copy=$title">EditCopy</a> from previous author.<br> EOF print <<EOF ; <input type="hidden" size=1 name="post" value="$title"> </form> </body> EOF } # -------------------------------------------------------- HandleEdit sub HandleLinks { $title = $CookedInput{links}; $title =~ /^$LinkPattern$/ || &AbortScript("link: improper name: $title"); %old = &RetrievePage($title); print <<EOF ; <head><title>$title Links</title></head> <body><form method="POST" action="$ScriptUrl"> <h1>$title Links <input type="submit" value=" Save "> <input type="reset" value=" Reset "></h1> [1] <input type="text" size=55 name="r1" value="$old{r1}"><br> [2] <input type="text" size=55 name="r2" value="$old{r2}"><br> [3] <input type="text" size=55 name="r3" value="$old{r3}"><br> [4] <input type="text" size=55 name="r4" value="$old{r4}"><p> Type the full URL (http:// ...) for each reference cited in the text.<p> <input type="hidden" size=1 name="post" value="$title"></form> EOF } # -------------------------------------------------------- HandleLinks sub HandleSearch { local($m, $n, @rec); $pat = $CookedInput{search}; $pat =~ s/[+?.*()[\]{}|\\]/\\$&/g; $results = Results; $results = "for $&" if $pat =~ /\W+/; print <<EOF ; <head><title>Search $results</title></head> <body background="Rosa_und_WeissA1B1.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FF0000" alink="#808080"> EOF #print "<h1>$LogoImage Search Results</h1>\n"; print "<h1> Search Results</h1>\n"; while (($key, $value) = each %db){ $n++; %rec = split($FieldSeparator, $value); if ($key =~/\b\w*($pat)\w*\b/i || $rec{text} =~ /\b\w*($pat)\w*\b/i){ $m++; print "<a href=\"$ScriptUrl\?$key\">$key<\/a> . . . . . . $&<br>\n"; } } $m = $m || No; print "<hr>$m pages found out of $n pages searched.</body>"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- HandleSearch sub CookSpaces { $CookedInput{text} =~ s/ {3,8}/\t/g if $CookedInput{convert}; } # -------------------------------------------------------- CookSpaces $LockDirectory = "./temp/$ScriptName"; # hypermart specific chop($LockDirectory); chop($LockDirectory); chop($LockDirectory); #$LockDirectory = "./tmp/$ScriptName"; # -------------------------------------------------------- LockDirectory sub RequestLock { local ($n) = 0; while (mkdir($LockDirectory, 0755) == 0) { $! == 17 || &AbortScript("can't make $LockDirectory: $!\n"); # EEXIST == 17 is OK, try later. $n++ < 30 || &AbortScript("timed out waiting for $LockDirectory\n"); sleep(1); } } # -------------------------------------------------------- RequestLock sub BackupCopy { $old{copy} = $old{text} if $old{host} && $old{host} ne $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}; } # -------------------------------------------------------- BackupCopy ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($^T); $DateToday = (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)[$mon] . " " . $mday . ", " . ($year+1900); # -------------------------------------------------------- DateToday sub ReplacePage { local($title, *page) = @_; local($value, @value); $page{date} = $DateToday; $page{host} = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}; $page{agent} = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}; $page{rev}++; @value = %page; $value = join($FieldSeparator, @value); open (WDB, ">$DataBase.wdb/$title"); print WDB $value; close WDB; $db{$title} = $value; } # -------------------------------------------------------- ReplacePage sub ReleaseLock { rmdir($LockDirectory); } # -------------------------------------------------------- ReleaseLock ######$SignatureUrl = ""; # $SignatureUrl = ""; $SignatureUrl = $?FridemarUrl."sig/thanks.gif"; # -------------------------------------------------------- SignatureUrl sub HandlePost { $title = $CookedInput{post}; &CookSpaces; &RequestLock; ######dbmopen(%db, $DataBase , 0666) ######|| &AbortScript("can't open $DataBase for update\n"); ######start of patch # To create, read and write ###### chmod 0666 , $DataBase; tie (%db, 'DB_File', $DataBase , O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) || &AbortScript("cannot open $DataBase for update\n"); # chmod 0666 , </data1/*>; ####### end of patch %old = &RetrievePage($title); &BackupCopy; for (keys(%CookedInput)) { next if /post/ || /form/ || /title/; $old{$_} = $CookedInput{$_} if $CookedInput{$_}; } &ReplacePage($title, *old); %rc = &RetrievePage(RecentChanges); $rc{text} =~ s/\t\* $title .*\n//; $rc{text} .= "\n$DateToday\n" unless $rc{text} =~ /$DateToday/; $rc{text} .= "\t* $title . . . . . . $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}\n"; &ReplacePage(RecentChanges, *rc); $anchor = &AsAnchor($title); ####dbmclose(db); # looks like a typo ####dbmclose(%db); untie %db; # new for tie construct &ReleaseLock; print <<EOF ; <head><title>Thanks for $title Edits</title></head> <body> Thank you for editing $anchor.<br> Your careful attention to detail is much appreciated.<br> <img src="$SignatureUrl"><br> p.s. Be sure to <em>Reload</em> your old pages.<br>

</body> EOF } # -------------------------------------------------------- HandlePost sub DumpBinding { local(*dict) = @_; print "<hr><dl>\n"; for (keys(%dict)){print "<dt>$_<dd>$dict{$_}\n";} print "</dl><hr>\n"; } # -------------------------------------------------------- DumpBinding # InitialComments print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #######dbmopen(%db, $DataBase , 0666) || &AbortScript("can't open $DataBase"); # &DumpBinding(*CookedInput); # &DumpBinding(*old); # &DumpBinding(*ENV); #### chmod 0666 , $DataBase; tie (%db, 'DB_File', $DataBase , O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) || &AbortScript("(HandleBrowse) Cannot open $DataBase for update\n"); $CookedInput{browse} && &HandleBrowse; #$CookedInput{"browse"} && &HandleBrowse; $CookedInput{edit} && &HandleEdit; $CookedInput{copy} && &HandleEdit; $CookedInput{links} && &HandleLinks; $CookedInput{search} && &HandleSearch; #close(LOCK); untie %db ; #####dbmclose (%db); if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq POST) { $CookedInput{post} && &HandlePost; }; # &DumpBinding(*CookedInput); # &DumpBinding(*old); # &DumpBinding(*ENV); # -------------------------------------------------------- WikiInHyperPerl # FromWhere: , FridemarPache # Visit me at http://server2.hypermart ... -bin/


Last edited November 5, 1999
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