23 years ago 20020607

Field day was a treat for those hams that stuck around all summer and even a few who made the trek back to West Lafayette just to participate.


VicOhm, JanDitzian and MikeVoyles diagnose a sudden power failure during the 1968 field day operations at the Purdue dairy farm.


MelCreighton diagnoses a sudden transmitter failure during the 1969 field day operations at (some camp's?) archery range east of town. That's a tube he is looking at.


JimWilson diagnoses a sudden generator failure during the 1975 FieldDayAtHarrisonHigh.

More of WardCunningham's field day photographs are avilable at http://bk.home.c2.com/~ward/pix/?./w9yb/FieldDay.

18 years ago FieldDay