24 years ago 20011026

This is the ploptory, a set of GroupwarePages
recording information related to the internal operations
of past and present PLoP conferences. Write to any PloptoryKeeper for advice on using this or any other PLoP resource.

        * http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~plop/plop98/shepherding.html (guidelines used for PLoP 98)
        * http://www.argo.be/europlop/shepherding_guide.htm (guidelines for EuroPLoP 99)

Committee members should look to these pages to find ...

        * HowToRunAnEvent
        * ResponsiblePeople
        * UsefulDocuments
        * TipsForConferenceChair
        * ConferenceAdvertising
        * TipsFromHistory
        * AssortedThreads
        * CritiquesAndKudos
        * PhotoPages
        * OtherResourceSites

You can also review the results of patterns community workshops

        * PostOopslaEvents

You may want to track RecentChanges or use the keyword search...


You can also sent mail to the PlopMailList at mailto:plop@cs.uiuc.edu.

22 years ago FrontPage

This is the ploptory, a set of GroupwarePages
recording information related to the internal operations
of past and present PLoP conferences. Write to any PloptoryKeeper for advice on using this or any other PLoP resource.

        * http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~plop/plop98/shepherding.html (guidelines used for PLoP 98)
        * http://www.argo.be/europlop/shepherding_guide.htm (guidelines for EuroPLoP 99)

Committee members should look to these pages to find ...

        * HowToRunAnEvent
        * ResponsiblePeople
        * UsefulDocuments
        * TipsForConferenceChair
        * ConferenceAdvertising
        * TipsFromHistory
        * AssortedThreads
        * CritiquesAndKudos
        * PhotoPages
        * OtherResourceSites

You can also review the results of patterns community workshops

        * PostOopslaEvents

You may want to track RecentChanges or use the keyword search...


You can also sent mail to the PlopMailList at mailto:plop@cs.uiuc.edu.

See WelcomeVisitors