Don Wells

Officially his name is James Donovan Wells.

He started out as an ArtificialIntelligence guy. He built several expert systems for General Dynamics and Ford. When AI didn't live up to the hype surrounding it the AiWinter started and AI jobs became scarce. The most important things he learned while in the world of AI was about TeamWork? and how to work with DomainExperts?.

He moved into the business world by joining the ChryslerComprehensiveCompensation project. This project was not doing well so a consultant named KentBeck was brought in to help. He learned the ExtremeProgramming process while there. The team members at C3 were working about 6.5 times as effectively after KentBeck brought in ExtremeProgramming.

He combined what he learned from KentBeck with what he knew about TeamWork? at the VcapsProject for Ford. The team members at VcapsProject were working about 10 times as productively as before.

This increase in productivity was noticed by Ford management and he was assigned to a very important project called F@ST. After pointing out that the 9 month schedule was impossible with a waterfall process he was fired.

He moved back to DaimlerChrysler as part of their Advanced Development Technology Support group. He tried to incorporate some ideas about TeamWork? and ExtremeProgramming there too, but it wasn't well received. When DaimlerChrysler cut everyone's salary by about 15% he moved back to Ford.

Back at Ford he worked on adding some ExtremeProgramming values and practices to their existing RationalUnifiedProcess based method called UnifiedSdm?. What he and co-conspirator ChetHendrickson created was an agile version of UnifiedSdm?. Metrics collected by Ford showed this process to be 27% more effective. When Ford fired about half of their MIS support people he was out of a job again.

He taught math for a while then took a job with HennesseyCapital?. HennesseyCapital? is already agile so he is working on bringing in some supporting ExtremeProgramming elements like AutomatedContinuousTesting for example.

Currently he is writing a book called Software Development Proverbs based on his writings and presentations. He is also hard at work updating his website ExtremeProgrammingDotOrg to be consistent with the second edition of ExtremeProgrammingExplained.


Object Oriented proverbs

Don, Thank you very much for LispMeUnit and LispMeObjects. Awesome! -- JonathanArkell
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