Kent's responsible for or a major contributor to HillsideGroup, SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns, SoftwarePatterns, HotDraw, FirstClassSoftware, the TimeTravel patterns, the xUnit family of TestingFrameworks and ExtremeProgramming.
Here's his bio with photo from the repository:
After two years of Swiss adventure, we are in Oregon as of 1 October 1999 (KentInMerlin). I work for FirstClassSoftware and ThreeRiversInstitute sitting on an AeronChair, coaching teams applying ExtremeProgramming. My family and I are living the life of Rural Techugees. You can write us at P.O. Box 128, Merlin, OR 97532 USA. Email still goes to
Recent projects include:
KentBeckPapers is an annotated bibliography of my papers. I often write 4-6 pages as a thought tool.
I perform various forms of American folk music, including CowboyMusic, which has lead me to think about WhyCowboys?
I have a new favorite author: MrBunny
I'm experimenting with a new project metric, SoftwareInProcess.
I "revived" the ObjectExplorer?. It can be found at That version is for VisualWorks 5i, but I also have a version for VW 3.x. The code is available under the ParcPlace Public License. -- Peter Hatch
No, my fears are more about not spending enough time with my kids, growing away from my wife, and dying young of heart trouble like my grandfather. The ChangeCostCurve I know how to handle.
Have you ever thought of visiting a therapist?
Therapists are good for helping people get in touch with feelings they're avoiding. But Kent doesn't mind sharing his fears -- it's disarming and effective at opening up communication. I don't know why that would indicate therapy. Kent's openness has challenged me and helped me see more ways to build professional relationships (thank you, Kent!). So, gentle poster, have you ever considered sharing your fears? Do you know what they are? -- RyanPlatte
(newcomer comments transferred to AnOoMagicBullet and WikiPublicWall?)
Recent books I've enjoyed:
WardCunningham is our GraciousHost, but you're welcome to scribble here. Someone will refactor it if necessary. -- Kent
This is really fabulous. Thanks for giving young timers some oxygen. I work in a consultancy where the new rage among management consultants is collaboration, community, loose coupling etc etc. I wonder if any of them had ever noticed this and whether we are ever going to get a book on Xtreme pioneers and their stories - maybe a book on Xtreme personality patterns. - DebjaniRoy?
I've been asked to write a HarvardBusinessReview? article, so perhaps the general business world is waking up. As far as a vanity book, none such is planned by anyone sensible. How would it help you ?
ExtremeProgrammingExplained is being translated to French for publication in late 2002. (I'm getting lots of interesting mail about it.)
I'm told: Pour des informations en français sur XP: -- KeithRay (I don't speak/read French)
Whatever came of the concepts as described here? Has nobody heard of Permaprogramming? Related to PermaCulture
Reading books by Beck makes me think one of us hasn't a scrap of common sense. But I can't tell who. --PhlIp
Kent, I noticed that you're an ENTJ and began to wonder how one might capitalize on available MBTI in attempts to build hypereffective XP teams. Are you (or is anyone else) aware of empirical or anecdotal data which might suggest patterns for building highly compatible XP teams? At the very least, the creation of a set of unbiased type-centric patterns (or anti-patterns) could be established and shared which might offer insight in how extra "extremeness" can be wrung from a team composed of highly compatible players. Any thoughts on the relevance of such an idea or if it even makes sense in the context of human factors when applied to agile methods? -Bill Craun
Kent, please make the text from the "The Metaphor Metaphor" presentation available (OOPSLA 2002). The discussion of the use of the war metaphor in our attempts to fight terrorism as opposed to a disease model are important and timely -- Watson Crick
Kent, the page BorrowingTrouble says that your grandmother cautioned you against borrowing trouble. Perhaps you could explain the what this means on that page. -Mark Carter 15-Aug-2004
This page mirrored in ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap as of April 29, 2006